Swatches: Colors by Llarowe Fresh Cut Grass
Today I received 4 new CbL in the mail, they were from the last pre-order, and I cannot wait to swatch them and decide which one to wear first! So I'm starting with Fresh Cut Grass. This one is actually from last year's summer collection. It was discontinued, so when I saw it was brought back, I had to have it. I'm not sure if it was a one time thing or they are moving this one to the core collection, so you probably would want to follow Colors by Llarowe on facebook to get more info about anything, restock, new line, giveaways.. :)
Fress Cut Grass is described as a grass green jelly based with holographic microglitter. The formula on mine is really good. Build up to opacity in 3 coats, and doesn't look thick at all. Only one coat of shiny top coat was needed to smooth it out and brings out the sparkle. Although I was a little disappointed that it's slightly darker than I expected, it is still a beautiful polish, and I'm glad I got it. I think it look nice on my skin tone.
(This is very green in person! For some reason my camera always freaks out when taking pics of royal purple and dark gliterry green like this.)
CbL Fresh Cut Grass |
CbL Fresh Cut Grass |
CbL Fresh Cut Grass |
CbL Fresh Cut Grass |
CbL polishes can be purchased directly from during restock or pre-order. Harlow&Co. also carry select colours of CbL.
That's gorgeous! I am so glad I ordered this one.